Hey guys! It's Tameisha back again to introduce the next two members of our team.
If you didn't read up on me, check out last week's blog here.
This week, you get to meet our managers and let me tell you.. They're pretty dope. Let's hop in!
First up is Carissa, aka Dr. Carissa McKenzie Bernard, the manager of our White Oak location. This is what she has to say about herself and her purpose here:

" Evolution is constant, and I am here for a bigger purpose, and life's journey. With that being said, I am on a spiritual one, and have been on a Spiritual journey ( trying to find myself ) - that has somehow crossed over into hair. Never ever would I imagine that a Business and Accounting Degree would intertwine with hair, but believe it or not, it has. As an Accountant, you are trained to pay attention to detail... and business teaches you how to manage all the moving parts, which has definitely helped in my roles as a salon manager and a stylist."
That is the truth! We never know where life is taking us or how things all will connect, but one thing that's certain, it all works out exactly how it's meant to.
" I have two younger brothers and No, I don't have a doctorate degree, though I think I should ( there is a story about how I became the Dr). I used to think that hair was my passion but as I am evolving, I have come to the realization that doing hair is no longer my passion but hair care and the lifestyle that revolves around it is. As I tell my clients," If you love your hair it will love you back" A relationship with your hair is NOT one you have when you feel like it, but a consistent nurturing one, and I am here to show you how.

When I am allowed to be away from the salon, (yes, I did say allowed), because my regular clients think they own me LOL, I am either sewing/Designing, traveling, hanging with family or practicing my version of selfcare. As I am getting younger, (you are what you say you are that's BIBLICAL), I have learned to cherish my relationships, many of which have been birthed from N. I love the family dynamic of my relationships. For example, Angela is my emergency contact on every form I have to fill out after joining N, because she is my family. If anything were to happen to me, she would be the first one there. ( she didn't know but now she does). Butler Boo aka Tonia is my fairy God mummy and her husband is like a father figure to me. Samantha is my boo, I love her to the moon and back. Tameishaaaaa!!! Just say no one better mess with her. As much as she drives me crazy I love her and we have an understanding like no other. Just to name a few. Clients have become friends, which is a word I don't use lightly nor take for granted.

Yes, N as we call it has been a pivotal part of the season I am currently in, approaching my 6th year which feels like a lifetime. Some of the connections I've made on this team, I believe were only possible because they were divinely manipulated by God. Because (as one of my mentors always reminds me) "you are planted where your purpose is". Time, as unforgiving as it can be, has taught me that lesson. Because N has definitely nurtured me and in return has birthed the nurturer in me. Now, you know my business shhhh dont tell anyone but be apart of the NSPERIENCE ( I just made that up)
- The Dr."
Now, to introduce our Downtown Silver Spring manager, Daneen!

"There’s a lot you can say about me, but we’ll just cover three things today. My top 3 things have to be hair, food and most importantly Charlie! I have been natural since 2007 and became a natural hair stylist after being laid off from my job. I was a new mom of a daughter, with lots and lots of hair that I had no idea what to do with. So after some professional training, I became a natural hair stylist in my own right. I've learned and taught and left and came back…a lot can happen in 7 years…
Now, FOOD. If I'm not talking hair, I'm talking about the food I've either cooked or tried. Yo girl is a FOODIE!! (I have some things in the works so look out for that. )"
I can attest to that! I've had some of her seafood sauce and wouldn't eat crab legs without it now. LOL!

"Charlie!!! Charlie is my 9 year old (almost 10) daughter. If you ask me, I will tell you Charlie’s nothing like me and looks nothing like me but Charlie LOVES her mommy immensely…no really.
These are my top favorites but there’s soooo much more. You can get any advice from me and I'm pretty resourceful, I know someone that does almost everything (and if I don't, I know someone that does.) If we haven't met yet…I hope we get the opportunity to."
Don't we just love those friends that always have recommendations on ways to improve our lives, the best restaurants, travel spots, etc.? Of course!
Well, I hope you guys are enjoying reading about us. I've learned a few fun facts today myself. Stay tuned because in the weeks to come, you'll be meeting the rest of our crew.