Once you can flat twist your own hair your tools for being stranded on a deserted island are complete!
We know you’ve been missing our classes so we’re bringing them back just for you. Catch us in the Studio July 8th and August 12th turning novice into flat twisting experts. Outside of being ready for a deserted island, learning how to flat twist builds confidence in your overall at-home hair care regimen. This skill allows for you to not be stuck when you’re unable to book an appointment with us.

Also, our annual Naturalista Hair Show will be announced next week!!! Are you ready to read about all the things we have up our sleeve for this year’s show!? Just know, it’s not going to be like any other event we’ve ever held. Keep your eye out for the announcement because the first to buy their tickets get it at a discount .

N Studio. Get N. Get Out. Get on with your life. Talk to ya next week,
PEACE LOVE, & Shea Butter!
The N Team 301-910-4247 NNaturalHairStudio.com