Protective Hairstyles are typically priced in the three figure range. If you’re here on purpose looking for protective hair style prices of N Natural Hair Studio then skip the next paragraph.
If you found this page on the web, then welcome, so nice of you to be here. We are N Natural Hair Studio. We’re a natural hair salon that specializes in the care and styling of textured hair and we specifically ONLY do styles that enhance our clients’ curls. Clearly translated to mean, we do every style except straighten hair. You’re probably looking for a general price range of protective hairstyles. You’re looking at anything from as low as $100 to as high as $800 depending on the style, city AND skill level of the stylist. Below is how we do things here at N, which is the main focus of this post.
At N Natural Hair Studio, we do our pricing based on time. That’s how we do it for our non-extension services as well as our extension services, which are often synonymous with protective styles. Below we are focusing on the services of protective styles that fall in the extensions category.
Let’s start off with what is included with your service and what is not. If you just want to see the numbers and don’t want to understand the pricing or the process go to the last two paragraphs.
All extension services start off with your hair being shampooed. You should arrive at the salon with whatever style you had in, taken out. This will allow for us to get started immediately upon your arrival. IF you arrive with your previous hairstyle intact, your timer will still begin the time of your scheduled appt time. This means that the time it takes for your hair to be taken out on the spot will be added to your service, and may result in you having to alter your original style a bit in order for your service to fit within the stylists’ designated time.
The shampoo process starts off with a quick assessment of the current state of your hair. We need to know if you have any scalp issues and or are allergic to any ingredients. Your hair is then thoroughly doused with warm water. Next, your strands are covered in conditioner, as we prepare your hair for the first detangle. Using a wide toothed comb, we detangle your hair starting at the tips and working our way up to the roots. Once all your hair is detangled, we rinse out the conditioner.
The next step is your first shampoo. We use a cleansing shampoo to thoroughly clean and refresh your scalp while gently removing any products that were previously on your strands. We follow our cleansing shampoo with a moisturizing shampoo to continue to gently cleanse your scalp while beginning the restorative process of adding moisture back into your strands. After this is rinsed, we then move into the final step of your last detangle. Depending on the length and texture of your hair we may put your hair into large twists during this last step. Once the hair is rinsed, as long as you aren’t getting a treatment, you will be escorted to your stylist’s chair.
Once seated your stylist will begin to prep your hair for your protective hairstyle service. Though products used are customized to each client, generally speaking you can expect to have your scalp oiled and your strands dressed with a liquid leave in and a cream. Most styles do not require us to blow dry but if it is requested or the style requires it then the blow drying would happen at this time.
We DO NOT provide the hair for your service. So, after the hair is dressed the stylist will need the hair to begin the service. Though most times your stylist prefers to get the hair as soon as you enter the salon so they can set it up in their space how they like.
Though we don’t provide the hair for your service we do let you know what hair to bring and how many packs. At the end of your styling you will have the option to choose an oil scent of your choice as your finishing spray. This is totally optional. Although, because they smell absolutely divine, it’s a choice most of our clients say yes to.
The pricing of extension services, at the writing of this blog (April 2021), depends on who your stylist is. If you are going to a junior stylist it is $150 for the first two hours. If you are going to a senior stylist it is $200 for the first two hours. IF the extension service exceeds 2 hours it will be $25 for each additional 30 minutes. We average two hours for most of our protective styles.
When it comes to permanent loc extensions, goddess locs or mini starter locs/loc grooming, this pricing model does not apply.
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog and find out more about our services.
If you’d like to book with us you can book online or shoot us a text at 301-910-4247.