Cyber Monday Deal!It's CYBER Monday and we are bringing you a great DEAL! Get 20% off a future appointment when you purchase today, 11/27. You don't want...
Last Chance to get FREE Trim with your N Club Subscription!November is coming to a close and so is this great N Club membership add-on. This week is the LAST week you'll be able to get a FREE trim...
Fast Hands Marathon Black Friday EditionIt's that time again! The holiday season is around the corner and we know you want your natural hair looking fly. On November 24th we are...
Last Week's Nsecure "Hella Great" Event was Hella Bomb!Hella Great! Last Wednesday we had our second installment of the Nsecure event series and it was bomb! This week Dr. Afiya chatted with...
Last Week's Nsecure"Messy AF" Event was LittyMessy AF! Last Wednesday we had our first installment for the Nsecure event series and it was LIT! Dr. Afiya as well as the attendees...