Hey Guys, Daneen here!
So- have you been to N?
Have you sat in any of our chairs?
If you answered yes, then you know we talk about EVERYTHING!

I’m an only child. The only thing I ever got in trouble for in school was talking (which is another topic that needs some discussion- I mean we are meant to be social creatures teachers, but I digress).
I always have a lot on my mind and a lot of opinions on everything. So N has been the perfect outlet to clearing the clutter from my brain. Talking with clients and my team all day long is part of what makes the salon atmosphere so great.
I liken the N team to therapists. We have created a space where our clients feel comfortable to speak to us about their lives and the things they may be going through- be it good or bad. We discuss marriage and children and how it is being a husband or a wife. We talk about the big things- (marriage proposals, birthdays, a baby on the way!) and the small ones- like how y'all felt about Pastor Michael Todd spreading his DNA on that man's face. Oh, it gets controversial round these parts. In our most recent 'Salon Talk Saturday' Live Instagram video, we discussed the bomb threats at HBCUs during Black History Month, of all times. Sigh.
But yes, we discuss the good and the bad. We love to hear the excitement in clients' voices when they tell us that this particular style has to be bomb because it’s for their first day at a new job! Oh, and if there’s a hot tv show on, it’s definitely being discussed.
By the way- Did you watch the final season of Insecure (sad face)? Were you team Lawrence or Team Nathan? Questions that need answers!!!!
We talk about a lot in the salon. The conversation is ALWAYS respectful. We have heated debates about different happenings in the world but it never goes too far. When you walk into those doors you become one of our girlfriends- or rather our curlfriends! And the fellas bring the testosterone energy that we so love. We love hearing from our male clients about their journeys as fathers and it's so beautiful to see a black father bringing his son in for his first cornrow appointment.
Thanks for keeping us entertained throughout the years guys. The conversations, support and friendships are truly invaluable.
& thanks for reading! See you in the salon.